Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Teens and their Weight

So this will be my first blog posting. I thought I would write about teens and their weight. Everywhere we look now a days we see tabloids of every star doing this whole "Im anorexic, So now im beautiful!!!" thing...
And that really bothers me. Like every girl, or guy for that matter feels they have their own flaws. And I really truely look up to Tyra Banks, for sticking up for being a bigger woman. She alone changed the way women think about themselves. I really feel we need that reinforcement from celebrities to help bring teens to their sences and help them understand they are beautiful the way they are.

1 comment:

MzQbit said...

Good post - you know what else I find weird about this? I'm looking at Tyra Banks in that bathingsuit, and I don't see a big woman - she is just healthy looking. It's so sad that a celebrity with an awesome, small body has to be considered 'big' just because she is being compared to Nicole Riche and other twig like celebrities. Tyra Banks weighs 161 - but she is what, 7 feet tall?

It's maddening!
Great post!