Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bordom In School

So this post is about how bord I am with school. (This isnt aimed at you Mzqbit at all i like your class because everything is always changing.)I find that when im at school the only reason I am there is for my friends. I am a hands on kind of person. I cant just take notes and be expected to understand it and use it properly. I find I learn best by doing. I think teachers should take responsibility for making a course fun. They should make better lesson plans that dont involve sitting in a desk all day reading text books and taking notes. Why not make a jeoprody game outta something, or get us active and moving around. Why not take inschool field trips and learn outside. I strongly believe that the student population will actually want to come to school to LEARN not to socialise. Overall making a happier school community.


MzQbit said...

no offense taken!
I agree with you. School should be fun and relevant. Become a teacher; change things for the better!

S.Bean said...

I totally agree with you, i can't stand just sitting in a desk listening to teachers who usually are completely monotone except mzqubit she is the only teacher who makes class fun but most of the time your bored out of your mind and don't even listen to the lesson anyways. Making school fun will definately make kids want to go to school teachers should understand that! I love that you posted about that!

PJ said...

I really agree with you they should be more like mzqbit and change things up every day or week i really feel like every day is the same..monday-friday....

enigma said...

I really think that more diverse classes should be offered, the really only diverse classes at most schools is gym and art. I am not interested in a lot of the courses that offered at all for example math, who walks in to math and says man i am so excited to measure angles today. If classes were taught the people were interested in and teachers were passionate about, I think our education would be a lot better!

MzQbit said...

oh I had another comment ....

although as I already said I think that school should be interesting and relevant, I have a pet peeve. It annoys me when students will tell me what we are looking at is dull or boring all the time. Not everything in life or school can be 100% entertainment all day long. If I tried to entertain my classes for every minute of the period, I'd be exhausted and probably not covering everything needed for college and university.

Also, thanks for the compliments, guys, they are very kind.

hews said...

I get what your saying, but doing something exciting maybe only once a month, isnt enough. It seems to me, that some teachers are lazy... and dont put any amount of thought into what they are teaching.