Monday, June 18, 2007


A particular tendency or inclination that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question.
Like this photo of George W. Bush...

Little Vs. Big...Dogs

Why Little dogs are better than Big Dogs

You can take them more places.

They are cuter.
Not as much crap to clean up.

They look good in clothes.

Don't cost as much.

They are more versitile.

More fun to play with.

Not as aggressive.

Look good with your outfit.

More loving.

I feel more celebrities have smaller dogs because they fit their lifestyles. So don't be hating on small dogs.

Dole.. Is a Great Invention

So Dole is amazing. Dole is a sugar free real fruit beverage, that comes in many varieties of flavors and colours. My favorite creation is called "Dole Sparklers". Which only have 100 calories per 500ml, they are Dole juice that is lightly carbonated so it has a nice bubbly taste. They are very refreshing on a nice hot summer day. Only $2.00 each. Go get one. Now. Im not kidding. Now. Do it now. I command you.


So I am really affraid for preteens these days because they are reading into magazines that are made or based on teens or young adults. Like cosmo... which is a girls best friend. It is fashion and media forward, with all the latest updates. But I just read an issue with sex tips? And I've heard quite a few of them have that too. But I really dont think thats appropriate for the age group the this magazine is aimed at... or the ages that could pick it up because "thats what the older kids are reading". If society would like teens to stop getting pregnant and stop dying and passing around diseases then stop advertising ways to make sex better.Celebrities need to Stop putting provocative lyrics in songs, Stop dancing so slutty, and Stop wearing clothes that reveal to much. There is truely nothing wrong with a wholesome image.

Wow Judgemental Much...

So today I was at the doctors office waiting for my friend and he had to get a whole bunch of shots and blood work done so we were going to be a while and I sat patently in the waiting room and they had three choices of magazines...

1.-- Sports Illustrated

2.-- Anime Comics

3.-- Pregnancy

...So im not interested in any of them but I picked up the Pregnancy one. So Im sitting here reading on how to get your baby to latch onto your nipple, as people are coming and going through the office. I didn't notice for a while but whenever I looked up people were staring and then I realized they were giving me the dirtiest looks ever. And of course im in a doctors office... So people see a young teenage girl reading a pregnancy magazine in the waiting room alone.

So I thought to myself do these strangers really think I'm the kinda teenager that would go out and get myself knocked up? And I was like wow haters... Then I rethought everything I thought. And Yea they would think that. Because the rate of teens having sex before marriage is so increasingly high yea most adults would get that assumption. But I really feel people shouldn't judge before they know the intire story. Wow I am such a hypocrit...

Literacy Test Results...

Recently there has been a lot of talk about the literacy test results from the grade tens this year... and it really bothers me because the media is blaming it on text messaging, msn and facebook?!!! Like really common guys!!! The news coverage states " A 3% drop in grades... due to the fact that teenages have their own language!" Ummm no we do not have our own god damn language, we have short forms. What is the point of typing huge words when you could just use the short form that everyone uses. They have been around for years. Plus no teen would actually use them on the test. To me all this is, is excuses. The government is blamming it on technology, instead of actually doing something about it. Personally I feel its their own fault, they are the ones who make the system this way. Teach us differently, use newer methods, get school started at a different time. Another thing is eliminate IEPs (Individual Education Plan) or give one to everybody. I can see that some people with actual learning dissablilities would need one or someone is has no motor skills but to people that are perfectly fine then that just bothers me. My best friend is one of the smartest people I know but she apparently needs an IEP to be able to succeed. She gets however long she wants to do assignments and tests all because she is a procrastinator and a perfectionist. But I think for everyone to get to their full potential then everyone should have IEPs. No wonder grades are so low.... Don't point fingers just do something about it.

Rainbow Six Vegas

So I bet everyone has pretty much played a video game before in their life right?! Its pretty impossible not too! Well I have a younger brother whos currently in grade nine and he is actually obessed with X-Box 360... and Tom Clancys "Rainbow Six Vegas". Its about a terrorist (whos name is Irena Morales, surrprisingly a woman) who has a bunch of mercenaries and they are taking over Las Vegas, and its up to Logan Keller and his crew to stop them, without tipping the balance of power in favor of the bad guys.

Doesn't sound all that amazing now does it... I can see the appeal to men... Hummmm explosions, weapons, combat? But truely... the game is pretty well made. The graphics are astounding, the music really plays to the mood because it is composed specifically for the game by the boston orchestra. I however do not see how someone could play it for hours on end, and then do it again the next day and for the rest of the month for that matter. My brother has a broken hand and still somehow manages being able to play.

You know when you pick up a great book but you just can't seem to put it down? Do we consider that an addiction? And if we don't, why do we not? Because really an addiction is when you cannot stop doing something. What effects can reading Harry Potter or Romantic Novels have on a person? Someone could actually believe its real right? But playing violent video games could lead to a violent lifesytle?! Is it wrong for our generation to like the stimulation of simulations and the possiblities that that simulation could be eventually become real? Does it actually lead to lower grades, and bad people... Or are these just excuses!?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Movie Review

The Usual Suspects

So we recently watched a film in media called "The Usual Suspects",which is a mystery, and was produced in 1995.

It is about 5 young gentle men that are arrested for hijacking a truck and when none of them can be convicted on lack of evidence they are released back to the world. Later on they find that they have each wronger the criminal mastermind "Kaiser Soeze", and are blackmailed into destroying a drug carrying ship, knowing that there is a possibility of death. With the boat blown up and all 27 criminals dead,there are only two survivors... Who is the culprit? Who really is Kaiser Soeze?

I give this movie one thumb up out of a possible two. I give it this rating because the story is impecably well written and each actor really plays their role well. I think the downside to this movie is that it really is a product of its time period. The ending was simple and very predictable; They make you believe that it's one character who is the criminal when really it was another character. Leaving me rather dissappointed at the ending. But up to that point it was pretty darn good. Drugs, killing, explosions, secret romance, underdog... It portrays a lot of themes instead of just one.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?!

I wasn't sure if it was just me but I really love this show... Its like millionair and somewhat like jeoprody. But the best part is... its fun, because you can sit at home and watch the show but actually have a blast trying to play. There is one contestant and 5 fifth graders, you choose one them, and you go through a series of questions (not multiple choice) and you have the option to peek, copy, or drop out and take the money. Its on every Thursday night at 8 on FOX. So Are you smarter than a fifth grader!?

I Blame The Market...

So by now you all know my topic for the documentary is "Preteens dress to inappropriate". And throughout all the interviews we've conducted and through my own opinion I've found that preteens are dressing the way they are because of what is on the market. Not because its cheap, not because their friends have influenced them but because of the market. I took the time to personally browse the stores at the mall and all there seemed to be was short skirts and shorts, clothing with provocative writing, low cut tops, and belly shirts. It is my beliefe that preteens are purchasing these articles of clothing because for there age group that is all there is to buy. I think if the markets start a revolution and implement more suitable clothing into their store it will largely decrease rape and the amount of children missing. Preteens will have a positive outlook on life, and have more self esteem.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

...Just curious.

The other day I was watching the show "Style Her Famous"... do you like the title ahahaha. It's about taking women that are not fashionally inclined and making them look like their favorite celebrity. Don't get me wrong celebs are good looking but... they don't look all that nice normally. They have teams of maybe 10 or more people to make them look the way they do. It's not impossible to do it yourself but it deffinatly never turns out how you want or expect. I just don't quite understand why we need to be anybody else but ourselves?! Is it because of fear of rejection or humiliation? Or is it just human nature to want to be someone different?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Il Divo

Women... What would you want in a man? How about uber gorgeous looks, mezmorizing voice, and impecable style. Ladies just you wait, theres four of them and they are on the rise to the top. No matter what your age, or nationality, Il Divo is amazing. Il Divo is italian for "Devine Male Performer", and that is exactly what they are. The sensational operatic pop group was formed by none other than Simon Cowell, and is signed to the Sony BMG music label. The names of these fantastic men are Sebastian, Carlos, David and Urs (from left to right). Their variety in backrounds allows Il Divo to sing in all different languages; Latin, Spanish, English, Italian and French. They have the appeal of Gucci models and the heart of a hopeless romantic. Every girl wants one of the men from Il Divo for their birthday I know I do! <3


So I was at my friends place yesterday and he was talking to his dad about how many points he has?! Me being curious asked "What is all this points stuff you talk about?" He replies: "Ohh well you get points by running over animals on the road, the bigger the animal the more points you get. Like a partridge is worth 50 and a chipmunk maybe 10 so right now im beating dad because I got 2 chipmunks and a partrige, dads got a snake." I am absolutely speechless... Honestly who could kill an innocent animal like that, and it's not like it's an execution, it's torture. Do all these hunting shows invoke teens to make up games based on road kill? They can't get guns but they can get cars!? It's a disgusting and vile game that should have never taken place at all.No living creature should be subject to this. Am I the only one that feels this way!?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tv when I was a child.

When I was a child my favorite shows were deffinatly Arthur and Full House. I honestly do not remember watching a lot of television programs when I was younger. I just remember that I was constantly watching disney movies... Beauty and the Beast, Thumbelina, and such. I actually have videos of myself where I am watching movies. I loved to be and play outside... when it was nice. It was probably more fun than tv. I've found that as Im getting older I remember seeing things somewhere, and I sware I will always remember it from Magic School Bus, or Bill Nye The Science Guy. What is good about television? I believe a lot of the shows I watched as a child taught me things that I use every day. For example every show has one problem that is common among children that gets solved. I think that it helps to make good team players and listeners because those kids know how to solve problems in an appropriate mannor. Because technology has progressed parents arent censoring a lot of the programs their children are watching. Its kind of a free for all now. When I was a child, Tv was beneficial to me. Now its more just for entertainment for everyone.

Monday, April 16, 2007


So a while ago. And it was a really sweet party. My friends and I had a good time. But only one thing...Some people from Ernestown showed up that are I guess classified as "jocks" ahahah and they weren't allowed in! Doesn't bother me any but, that is such a total subversion. Every movie or tv show we teens see with a party seen always contains jocks throwing the party and being the life of it, but friday night was deffinatly the total opposite! Which is really refreshing. I kinda feel bad though cuz the "jocks" had to wait outside for a long time for a cab! =(

Friday, April 13, 2007

Coco Chanel!!!

Some of you may be uncertain to who Coco Chanel really is… So I am going to tell you. Her real name is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, and she was born on August 19 1883 and passed away on January 10th 1971. She had 5 siblings, (2 girls, and 3 boys, one which died very young) her parents also passed when she wasn’t very old. So Gabrielle was put into an orphanage, where she learned to sew. After some “connections” with wealthy men she opened her first store in 1910.In 1925 Chanels signature fragrance came out. It was called Chanel No.5, because it was the fifth sample product she created. Marilyn Monroe commented it was her favorite, and still today a bottle of Chanel No. 5 is sold every 30 seconds. In 1923 Coco launched her elegant suit that was themed though men’s fashion. It was a knee length skirt with a boxy jacket. Gabrielle also introduced the “Little Black Dress”, still commonly worn today. The clothing she designed are comfortable and simple but still are considered couture. Coco made Time Magazines top 100 most influential people of the 20th century. She was the only one in her field of work to make the list.
Ms. Chanel never married. But she had a relationship with a German Nazi when they took over France his name was Hans Gunther Von Dincklage. Coco is buried Lausanne Switzerland, and on her tombstone there are five lion carved heads on it. Coco Chanel is one of the leading top designers in the world today. Every girl loves her Chanel. I know I do!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sir Elton Hercules John!!!

Today I am going to write about Sir Elton John. I believe he is amazing! The things he writes about in his music would take such knowledge, that I can't even understand. He truely is a glorious musician. Everyone knows Elton is gay. Why does that matter? Honestly. He was one of the biggest pop idols ever, and he was knighted. He is SIR ELTON JOHN, shouldnt that gain him some kind of respect? I don't understand why teens make fun of him. They should really appreciate him and his music. After all he helped write the songs for "The Lion King" that we cheerish so much.
Eltons Mini- Biography!!!
Sir Johns name, when he was born on March 25th 1947 was Reginald Kenneth Dwight ! He had a band called Bluesology in 1967 where he adopted his stage name though his saxaphonoist named Elton and his frontman named John. Elton started playing piano in 1951 at the age of only 4!!! In 1994 he was introduced into the rock and roll hall of fame. He was later knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1998. His talents include compostion of music for everything you can think of; (Road to El Dorado, Lion King, Billy Elliot), he is a pianist, and producer. He currently and has previously been signed with labels such as Universal, Interscope and MCA. Elton has won countless Grammy and Academy Awards. Sir Elton John has his own HIV/AIDS foundation. He was previously married to Ms.Renate Blauel, but now is in a civil partnership with Mr.David Furnish, and is still composing some of his best work still today at the ripe old age of 60. He is also an avid gay activist. (power to you elty!)
So in conclusion Sir Elton Hercules John is an amazing person, song writer, singer, producer, pianist, activist, award winning man. Although he is very excentric, and rather gay, we should be congratulating on his accomplishments.
Ps. Check out his website its got video clips, and songs and pictures and everything!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bordom In School

So this post is about how bord I am with school. (This isnt aimed at you Mzqbit at all i like your class because everything is always changing.)I find that when im at school the only reason I am there is for my friends. I am a hands on kind of person. I cant just take notes and be expected to understand it and use it properly. I find I learn best by doing. I think teachers should take responsibility for making a course fun. They should make better lesson plans that dont involve sitting in a desk all day reading text books and taking notes. Why not make a jeoprody game outta something, or get us active and moving around. Why not take inschool field trips and learn outside. I strongly believe that the student population will actually want to come to school to LEARN not to socialise. Overall making a happier school community.


So today I was reading a story to a few students I help in a grade three classroom at OPS, and one of the kids picked a book called "Will We Miss Them?". It was a book published by World Wildlife Fund, and I was really confused what they wanted out of these little eight year olds? The book had pictures of bald eagles, elephants, cougars, blue whales, bears, gorillias and many more endangered species. They would give little information about the animal and then at the end of each page with big writing it read "Will We Miss Them???" And to me... It seemed like they wanted these kids to give them money!? Or even go home and be like "Mommy and daddy lets sponsor an endandgered animal!!!" To me thats just crazy! It might have been the way I was reading it, but its horrible to think companies even try to get into the minds of children in the household. Clever. Tricky.... But horrible!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I like Boats.

So Im not positive yet how this relates to media but, I am really looking forward to summer because my family and I love to spend our time on our boat. We have a boating crew which is pretty cool. The people in the crew have small boats that might be for fishing or big, huge luxury boats for cruising the 1000 islands. During the weekends we all meet at a secret spot, which is a sand bottom cove on Wolfe Island. We play water sports, tan, eat and just enjoy everyones company. I think its extremely refreshing that people of all classes in society can get together and have fun. If you think about it, the rich hang with rich and do rich things. The less fortunate hang out with the less fortunate and do less fortunate things. Boating creates a society where none of that matters. And I love that! You get different people from all different walks of life, and everyone just has a good time!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Who Killed The Electric Car?!

Wowie!!! So umm "who killed the electric car?" was quite boring. Im not a fan of documentaries unless they are made by Micheal Moore. It really surprised me that the chief influences of killing the electric car were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condolezza Rice, Andrew Card. No wonder our world is dying! ahahaha !!! We should deffinatly try and bring back the electric car though. Its a good idea! Theres a gasoline coloured ELECTRIC car for yea! ahaha.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

I hateeee it!!!!!!!!!!!

So I really hate the new ad campaign for the Adidas bounce cushioning . With the little cars jumping each other and bouncing around. Oh and how at the beginning of the commercial it starts with an imitation of that internet arcade game. I cant tell you what it is that bothers me about it…. I just find it extremely annoying. They must be able to think of something better than that right?!
Oh and I deffinatly love the "exclusive to athletes world" at the end!?
(Also they arent even that nice looking!)

Umm Disturbed

Soo I am digusted and really disturbed by the pizza hut commercial "Cheesy Bites".
In the ad it shows Jessica Simpson walking in with a platter of chessy bites pizza...

And she bends over and puts one in this like 12 year olds mouth!!!!!!!!!? Thats not right. I can see the company trying to get the family restaurant point across... But the kid looks soo turned on, and hes like 12 years old and shes what 26?! Like common Pizza Hut!!! You make good, greasy pizza but that does not mean you can make a pedifilic commerical.

I Am In Love...

Oh my goodness! So Im pretty much in love... With big hats! Not like a big rimmed cowboy hats or one of those ugly, goofy looking things you win at a fair. I like classy big hats. Like back in the day when Audrey Hepburn wore them on "My Fair Lady". But maybe not quite that big! But it looks incredible and gorgeous.

5 Reasons Why Big Hats Are Hot:

They look good on anyone.
They fit any personality/or style.
They are classy.
No one has one... yet.
You can create a fad.

Big hats are just classy, yet individual. I love the old style incorporated into the new. I really badly want one!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Is Justin Really Bringing 'Sexy Back'?

So I really want to know... is Justin Timberlake really bringing sexy back ?! Its hard to tell with him being such a high roller and all. A few women I have spoken to say "he is sooooo sexy", do they say that only because of his catchy lyrics and beat!? Or because he has such a good style and personality?

This is what two ladies had said about Justin:

1."Hes hot, and he wears some really nice fedoras, that I love. He has a really awesome high pitched voice. He does really diverse music. For example his song "What goes around comes around" Is really classy. And he deffinatly has the best dance moves!"


2. "His lyrics are kinky, "Dirty babe, you see these shackels baby im your slave. I will let u whip me if I miss behave." Its really weird. But hot, and it gets caught in your head."


Subliminal Messaging? Media Manipulation?


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Teens and their Weight

So this will be my first blog posting. I thought I would write about teens and their weight. Everywhere we look now a days we see tabloids of every star doing this whole "Im anorexic, So now im beautiful!!!" thing...
And that really bothers me. Like every girl, or guy for that matter feels they have their own flaws. And I really truely look up to Tyra Banks, for sticking up for being a bigger woman. She alone changed the way women think about themselves. I really feel we need that reinforcement from celebrities to help bring teens to their sences and help them understand they are beautiful the way they are.