Monday, June 18, 2007

Little Vs. Big...Dogs

Not as much crap to clean up.
I feel more celebrities have smaller dogs because they fit their lifestyles. So don't be hating on small dogs.
Dole.. Is a Great Invention


Wow Judgemental Much...
So today I was at the doctors office waiting for my friend and he had to get a whole bunch of shots and blood work done so we were going to be a while and I sat patently in the waiting room and they had three choices of magazines...

1.-- Sports Illustrated
2.-- Anime Comics
3.-- Pregnancy
...So im not interested in any of them but I picked up the Pregnancy one. So Im sitting here reading on how to get your baby to latch onto your nipple, as people are coming and going through the office. I didn't notice for a while but whenever I looked up people were staring and then I realized they were giving me the dirtiest looks ever. And of course im in a doctors office... So people see a young teenage girl reading a pregnancy magazine in the waiting room alone.
So I thought to myself do these strangers really think I'm the kinda teenager that would go out and get myself knocked up? And I was like wow haters... Then I rethought everything I thought. And Yea they would think that. Because the rate of teens having sex before marriage is so increasingly high yea most adults would get that assumption. But I really feel people shouldn't judge before they know the intire story. Wow I am such a hypocrit...
Literacy Test Results...

Rainbow Six Vegas

Friday, June 15, 2007
Movie Review

Friday, June 8, 2007
Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?!

I Blame The Market...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
...Just curious.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Il Divo


Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tv when I was a child.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007
Coco Chanel!!!

Ms. Chanel never married. But she had a relationship with a German Nazi when they took over France his name was Hans Gunther Von Dincklage. Coco is buried Lausanne Switzerland, and on her tombstone there are five lion carved heads on it. Coco Chanel is one of the leading top designers in the world today. Every girl loves her Chanel. I know I do!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Sir Elton Hercules John!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Bordom In School

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I like Boats.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Who Killed The Electric Car?!

Sunday, April 1, 2007
I hateeee it!!!!!!!!!!!

So I really hate the new ad campaign for the Adidas bounce cushioning . With the little cars jumping each other and bouncing around. Oh and how at the beginning of the commercial it starts with an imitation of that internet arcade game. I cant tell you what it is that bothers me about it…. I just find it extremely annoying. They must be able to think of something better than that right?!
Umm Disturbed

I Am In Love...

Oh my goodness! So Im pretty much in love... With big hats! Not like a big rimmed cowboy hats or one of those ugly, goofy looking things you win at a fair. I like classy big hats. Like back in the day when Audrey Hepburn wore them on "My Fair Lady". But maybe not quite that big! But it looks incredible and gorgeous.
5 Reasons Why Big Hats Are Hot:
They look good on anyone.
They fit any personality/or style.
They are classy.
No one has one... yet.
You can create a fad.
Big hats are just classy, yet individual. I love the old style incorporated into the new. I really badly want one!!!

Friday, March 30, 2007
Is Justin Really Bringing 'Sexy Back'?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Teens and their Weight

And that really bothers me. Like every girl, or guy for that matter feels they have their own flaws. And I really truely look up to Tyra Banks, for sticking up for being a bigger woman. She alone changed the way women think about themselves. I really feel we need that reinforcement from celebrities to help bring teens to their sences and help them understand they are beautiful the way they are.